The apples are here!

Not really talking about the new computers from Apple

Although they are nice

But real apples like this one

I have admittedly been on a food kick lately

But the truth of the matter is I just write.

If I'm surfing I write about surfing

If I'm working in the garden I might post on compost

I'm always eating so that is always in the mix

It all fun and I love it when you play along with the home game

So before I forget, the apple above is called an Ambrosia.

They are coming into season and I look forward to them every year.

They are the best and if you are inclined you can read about them here

On the surf front, I have been out of the water for a few days

and I understand it has been epic!

Of course! It's always good when I'm not there.

So tomorrow I will, hopefully, get back to it the core of it.

(sorry had to throw in an apple joke)


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