Post Stoke Tuesday

Before I get started I just wanted to note that Lorenzo Diaz of the Board Riders Review put together a great little video of the Paipo Stokefest. Great  in that a dad took his daughter out on a mat and both got totally barreled. Wave of the Day hands down.

So go to Facebook and check any of the Stokefest pages, Board Riders Review pages or even my page and check it out. Wave of the Day is at 1:41 seconds in BTW.

So on with more pictures from the Stokefest

The Brink stuff looked awesome. Foam and finned for the most part, I saw a lot of people getting good waves on these. I never get to ride all the boards I want to and the craft below is on the top of the list for next time.

I'm a sucker for sand toys

I did get to ride Pendo's Paipo which I heard someone call the Black Beauty. Steve says it's a sheet of plywood surrounded by the soft black foam he uses in his regular Pendo Flex boards. It took off like a shot!  

Paipo Heads of State Glenn and Jon discussing the State of Stoke.
Thanks for the event guys everyone had a blast!

Craig Ferre brought down a bunch of his creations to share including the wood paipo on the left the blue hand plane and the foam paipo everyone called the Target board. 
BTW if anyone has seen the blue hand plane it got separated from Craig and he would like it back 

The view from our beach chairs

Legendary shaper Bill Kickey on the right and young charger Flavian Malone on the left.
Flavian never left the water (except once to eat and win some new fins) and seemed to be on every big set wave.

Two shot sequence here. 
Apparently there was a football game that Glenn and Dre had money on just south of the pier. Above you see them as their team scores a touch down. 

Below is the shot after the TD was reversed after the officials reviewed the video.
(Marvin's money was on the other team)

So that's it for today more photos and commentary tomorrow.


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