Here Ye Here Ye -

by the decree of the sun gods and the universe in general
it has been decided to
tilt the earth back the other way!

the days are going to start getting longer in the norther hemisphere
and shorter in the southern hemisphere starting today

Nothing to get worried about
in OZ and locals of a southerly persuasion you still have summer
I hope it's a good one!

Up here we are just starting winter
and perhaps a little more NW swell
so we have a ways to go
before things are noticeably warmer

But change,
being the only consistent thing in this life
has begun

Might I suggest a good book to pass the time?

If you haven't read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings
you need to get down to the library and get started
It's a bit of a read
perfect to read during a long winters night
(although I had brought along the Hobbit on a trip to Bali in 74 and things worked out)

I understand the books were so good they are going to film the whole thing

one more thing

Here's just a hint, an inkling, a smidgen of what we can expect to see from the folks at Misfit Pictures at the upcoming San Diego Surf Film Festival or SDSFF if you prefer

San Diego Surf Film Festival from Gage Hingeley on Vimeo.

coming to a Bird's Surf Shed near you May 11-13, 2012


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