Paipo Stokefest this Sunday!

SoCal can be difficult for the seasonally challenged

The weather is nice but it's difficult determining what month it is and what season we might be experiencing.

This coming weekend the weather will be beautiful

High temps, along the coast in the 70’s

Where in the solar cycle are we?

Since the bit of rain the local hills have a covering of green down.

Early Summer?

The local false pears are in full bloom, the false snow storm of their petals is just around the corner.

Early Spring?

Storms in the west Pacific and the Aleutians continue to provide occasional surf to west facing beaches.

Early Winter?

Don't turn on the Weather Channel or bother to look to the calendar.

Go outside

The buds on the trees are swelling and the birds are singing

They know the season

Driving to work
Past grass never meant to be walked on
Growing under trees that will never bare fruit
Life is like a leaf
Blown across the freeway
Trying to make it to the other side


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