"Who says my surf blog is a surf blog?
This surf blog is not a surf blog.
When you can understand that,
then we can begin to speak of surf blogs"
(With my profound apologies to Master Ryokan,
who wouldn't care at all)
why is it so dark
funny but it's not that cold
what time is it really
Neumatic Surfmats and 4th Gear Flyers respectively. I have links to both on the main blog page.
Retail wise, Patagonia-Cardiff has some of Dales mats, but they go quick. You might try Shelter Surf Shop in Long Beach they may have some in stock.
If you get a Intex pool toy to try (I have one) remember there is a world of difference between them and a "real" surfmat. But you could use one to "get your feet wet" so to speak.