It's always summer on the inside - post of summer past
I like to commit a day to memory from the current season to be recalled in detail in the coming months.
Like a real hot summer day to be remembered in the dead of winter
Sort of like sending myself a post card but without the postage
Here is a post I did on Wednesday July 8th, 2009
This is either fireworks from the 4th or my camera has been to alpha centauri
Made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!
Things have been a little hazy
The Tour, holidays, barbecue, fireworks, gardening
And prime examples of summer surf
Which is to say nothing
or not much,
if you are a glass is half full kind of person.
But there still are all sorts of fun things to do.
The online Body Surf magazine / picture fest has a new issue out.
The link above takes you to the main page
Picture above from Ryan Heywood's other blog Smart Casual
Make sure to click on the #3 for the latest issue.
Body surfing is the cleanest, simplest and purest form of surfing and I love it!
Here is a video
Please put the 45 back in it's sleeve when you are done, you know how the dust can ruin the vinyl or you might spill a Tab on it.
The Tour
If it wasn't for the Tour de France
I would go crazy this time of year This one could be interesting
The Mat
I hear people say they will get a mat to ride on the marginal days.
I have be riding my fish on the marginal days and saving my mat for the good days.
The Garden
The summer garden has peaked or is peaking depending on which plant you are looking at
The squirrels have been rubbing their hands with glee waiting for the sun flower seed to ripen.
More later must surf now.
** PS I hope you enjoyed this look back
The summer surf was so so with a few exceptions
Lance didn't win the Tour, which REALLY pissed him off so the next one will be REALLY INTERESTING!
Body Surf hasn't put out a new issue but we will just have to wait (it's always worth it)
If you are jonesin' Kurungabaa Vol 2 Issue 2 is just about out (always good stuff there)
And lastly the Sun Flowers were harvested and are being carefully doled out to last the local squirrels thru the winter
Like a real hot summer day to be remembered in the dead of winter
Sort of like sending myself a post card but without the postage
Here is a post I did on Wednesday July 8th, 2009

This is either fireworks from the 4th or my camera has been to alpha centauri
Made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!
Things have been a little hazy
The Tour, holidays, barbecue, fireworks, gardening
And prime examples of summer surf
Which is to say nothing
or not much,
if you are a glass is half full kind of person.
But there still are all sorts of fun things to do.
The online Body Surf magazine / picture fest has a new issue out.
The link above takes you to the main page
Picture above from Ryan Heywood's other blog Smart Casual
Make sure to click on the #3 for the latest issue.
Body surfing is the cleanest, simplest and purest form of surfing and I love it!
Here is a video
Please put the 45 back in it's sleeve when you are done, you know how the dust can ruin the vinyl or you might spill a Tab on it.
The Tour
If it wasn't for the Tour de France
I would go crazy this time of year This one could be interesting
The Mat
I hear people say they will get a mat to ride on the marginal days.
I have be riding my fish on the marginal days and saving my mat for the good days.
The Garden
The summer garden has peaked or is peaking depending on which plant you are looking at

The squirrels have been rubbing their hands with glee waiting for the sun flower seed to ripen.
More later must surf now.
** PS I hope you enjoyed this look back
The summer surf was so so with a few exceptions
Lance didn't win the Tour, which REALLY pissed him off so the next one will be REALLY INTERESTING!
Body Surf hasn't put out a new issue but we will just have to wait (it's always worth it)
If you are jonesin' Kurungabaa Vol 2 Issue 2 is just about out (always good stuff there)
And lastly the Sun Flowers were harvested and are being carefully doled out to last the local squirrels thru the winter