a perfect little shore break projectile
Finally got in the water after a long break.
Standard issue high tide Huntington.
A little flop over outside which soon flattens out altogether
with the occasional inside reform when the stars align.
After a couple of decent ones it occurs to me that to optimize the situation I would need to start out with a larger more buoyant vehicle for the take off and to deal with the outside mush
and greatly reduced volume on the inside if a racetrack section presents itself.
Wait for it...
(well that and it makes the walk a mile down the beach from the parking lot much easier)
So the paddle out and take off are at the normal end of the mat-for-a-mushy-day spectrum.
Somewhere mid wave, after the cut back, if the wave looks like it might make a good inside reform
a quick grab and tug
and a litter of air is decanted
making the mat
a perfect little
shore break projectile
sort of like
a skipping stone