What are we saving exactly?

Please leave my arbitrary space time coordinates alone.

It disrupts my sleep
and it's very hard
to make the cat understand.

I tried to tell him about Benjamin Franklin
and saving lamp oil
but he just doesn't get it.

If you keep this twice a year shenanigans
I will be force to move to Arizona
and none of us want that.

I have other concerns about this space time biannual two-step.

I think we are tearing smart holes in the space time continuum.

For example

I was riding my mat the other day

on a wave I knew I wasn't going to make

when suddenly

the whole universe made a quarter turn

and I came screaming out of the section to make the wave!

OK that part was cool

but the rest of this day light savings time thing needs work.


Anonymous said…
kendog stylin

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