Is it Friday already?


I get a lot of folks with substantial surfing backgrounds that ask about surf mats.

They ask what they should know about riding them.

Is it like a paipo or a body board? (both yes and no is as close as I can give as an honest answer)

It takes awhile to get used to the differences.
Actually it takes "forever" which I view as a plus because you are always learning, which is half the fun!

Every go out has that possibility of being one of those magic moments you had when you were just starting to surf and you got a glimmer of how it works. Everything comes together (like magic) and you scream across a wall or sit deep inside a grinding tube.

Just one of those moments can keep a smile on your face for days.

After fifty years of stand up surfing I was having fewer and fewer of those moments.

Since I switched over to the mats every go out has the potential to be epic!


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