An odder day than most in some respects

But we must

Carry on
Read your vegetable catalogs

A good day to rest, reflect and re-frame my current status

I am doing a bit of resting up myself as my best efforts seem to have been too much too soon.

My Achilles tendon has put me on notice that it would no longer stand for such foolishness and the gallivanting around must stop at once.

(Well "stand" doesn't accurately describe the condition, more a refusal to stretch bend and fold in a cooperative manner with the other muscles and tissues in the surrounding extremity in a way that would allow forward locomotion of the un-limpy variety.)

Either way the message was clear, a vacation, plenty of ice (sounds terrible unless it's cooling a cocktail) and a strict abstinence from the exercises that bring me such pleasure and indeed helps me hang on to the shreds of what I laughingly like to call sanity in this variable reality.

So I'm sitting here, exercised, decaffeinated, on the injured reserve list, stoked that it's all only temporary and that I'm an odds on favorite to go out and do to much too soon AGAIN at the earliest opportunity.

And I'm actually quite happy about that too

Now if I only had some espresso


DrLang said…
I have a balky one from too much hoops. Last year or so I have been wearing a splint while sleeping which was recommended by my acupuncturist. It's a little wonky getting used to it but it has helped tremendously!

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