so what's normal?

been posting
been not posting
been surfing and not surfing
reality keeps interfering with my life
it happens
life is seasonal
at least around here
are seasonal
so living is surfing
and surfing is seasonal
sometimes it's a good winter
and sometimes
it's the winter of our discontent.

I have always been writing this stuff
(A quick search says I have 25 drafts out of 1500 published posts) waiting
not to count the dozens I've written and deleted
just because...
I write to quiet the little man in my head that keeps talking
and talking and talking and talking
cutting back on the coffee helps
but sometimes more coffee
just lets me keep up with the conversation.

so it's spring
(I know it's spring because there's south wind and it looks like rain outside)
and in spring
things happen
so I'll put pen to paper
or 1's and 0's to flash memory chips
and well see what the future holds
in the mean time
plant some tomatoes
and see what grows


Terry said…
Glad you're back. Love your work.

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