Go Outside

Surfing the net?
Look out the window
(you know the glass things kids hit balls thru)
Found the window? Good!

Is it still light outside?
Good! Go outside find something to do.
Play! You remember how don't you?
If it's dark than bring a light
If it's cold then wear a coat.

Trust me when I tell you
that no good stories start with
"So I'm just sitting there on my arse, surfing the net when suddenly..."
Not one

there will come a time
when going outside
won't be an option


Growling Gecko said…
Umm. So are you saying can't go outside because it will be snowing there soon or that the planet will be so stuffed that it will be too inclement at all? The latter me thinks. Umm I wonder and allow myself to worry a little at the life our kids and their kids will have?
pranaglider said…
Actually I was thinking that the IV tube won't stretch that far but you make good points. Either was go out and play.
Unknown said…
Just came back from an epic ride/shooting. Just riding and watching the clouds is fun. Roll on.

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