I have a new game

I am set upon by the cat once again

nothing left to do but smile pet her

and sting random ones and zeros together

at least partially caffeinated

fully vaccinated

I sit and try not to decide


There is something in the Spring air. I have tried many times to define it. Something like wet asphalt, sage and Coppertone. Plus something more that makes you glad to take every breath.

The E Ticket of my generation 

turns out to be a reservation 

for a two dose vaccine.

The flowers slowing recede 

from the early garden

like the out going tide

Their early Spring energy spent

their flowers turning to seed

to sleep underground

until next year the next tide

Life on earth dictated by

the sun and moon

who knew?

There is a whole school of nature writing

prose, poetry, fiction, biography

with salmon in it's teeth

Tales of the Great North Wet 

Gary Snyder, not unlike Prometheus

came down to City Lights 

not to steal the fire

he had his own 

but to share it

pass the bottle around the bonfire

and bask in the glow

of the old stories

the new stories

and to make 

new new stories

We are all the better for sharing

If you haven't read any of Snyder

Try Turtle Island or start at the beginning

with his Reed College work


a great school

a mildly disappointing


 Drinking ten thousand cups of cold tea
has taught me one thing
tea cools


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