Look Ma No Hurricanes!

What's this?

A post on 23B?

What sort of witchcraft is this?

Everyone knows blogs are dead

Everyone has moved to FB and beyond by now

but still...

This map was interesting enough to share
(you might want to click on it an make it bigger)

First notice a distinct lack of hurricanes off of Mexico

We have had a stream of storms for months

Epic south swells and all that it entails...

Next note the large low pressure area centered on the Aleutians

That should amble down the west coast of the US and give us some seasonal temps

for a change

my lawn will never be the same after this summer...

Vaya con Dios mi amigos


Dr. Lang said…
The rumors are false.MYBOOK and FACESPACE are blah.BLOGS RULE!!Keep up the good work.Also,using fins as plates.Young fellows that core give me hope.
Piskian said…
Coring leads to hair on your palms and blindness.
Your blog's the only one I diligently follow,Bruce.Keep it up,man!The pressure's on.

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