I have a theory that
do not band together
the way the various other tribes on the planet do
of the myth of the cowboy.
self sufficient, able to survive on their own
just them, their horse, watchin' the doggies and the tumblin' tumble weeds.
don't need no hope from nobody
specially healthcare from those darn revenuers.
(a total fantasy, because everyone needs and deserves healthcare)
But the truth is
the one thing the 400 families fear the most
the people
get together
Good Luck!
We'll need it
Just commenting to show support to a fellow surfer who evidences liberal, secular humanist views.
In my fairly recent forays into the specialty internet chat rooms that cater to people that surf, I've been stunned at the political attitudes that are sometimes expressed- intolerance, ignorance, far-right paranoia, etc, etc. It's just a reflection of the fearful times in which we live (thinking of debate audiences cheering "let the uninsured die" sentiments), but still I'm stunned that we who have experienced wave riding and the joy it brings can harbor such anger and mean-spiritedness.
Anyway- cheers.
Beetlejuice - I good friend wrote me to say that he was working in the land of REAL cowboys and that what stuck out the most for him was the cooperation and strong group ties.
I don't think killing anyone is the answer. Sharing and cooperation is. The things we learned in kindergarten. "Of course you can have some of my paste, I have more than I can ever use"
This country can do better. If we can afford a huge budget for national defense we can afford a huge budget for healthcare and education.
And with that the rather odd mat man stepped down from the soap box and was never heard from again!