This morning before the rest of the storm rolled in. Not enough water to be fun but enough wind to blow it out
Back's on the mend - check (Thank you Ramsnake and Michelle!)
Weekend's here - check
Looks like rain - check
This is a you tube clip of the yoga that has been helping my back
The whole practice is 30 minutes so if this looks like something you could do the DVD's are available all the places DVD's are available.
From their website
Gary Kraftsow began sharing the teachings of yoga and yoga therapy as Maui Yoga Therapy in 1983. It has since then grown into an international community of yoga professional educated by Gary Kraftsow in the spirit of Viniyoga ™, and inspired by the teachings of T.K.V. Desikachar and T. Krishnamacharya.
Not as aerobic as Ashtanga, perhaps more therapeutic than most Hatha yoga packaged up and sold to American consumers of exercise routines. This is the real deal. Viniyoga starts where you are and then goes on from there.
I used to snark, somewhat, at this approach and think "yea I can do that when I'm like really old". (hmm what's that bell tolling?) When I was working less, surfing more and doing more yoga I didn't need this approach. It has since dawned on me that since I would usually practice before I surfed that no surf also meant no yoga! Fail! So here I am somewhat older and hopefully somewhat wiser.