Sacred Craft on Saturday
The Sacred Craft show is on Saturday in Ventura.
I have a perfect record in attending these shows
I've never been to even one of them
But this weekend it all changes.
(Thanks to JJ who has offered to haul my carcass up there!)
Renny Yater - Master Craftsman
(The Yater spoon would be marketed by others as a "step deck" and was one of Miki Dora favorite shapes)
Now I would like to say that,I'll have a huge booth with mats you could take out for a spin in the artificial wave pool
or that I'll have a huge array of computers with CAD / CAM software to show the various forces at work as the mat goes through it's work bringing smiles to our faces
would you believe a hand held phone with a couple of blurry shots of a partially inflated mats?
Not even that.
But I will be milling about with the rest of the crowd.
I hope to see you all there
(which would be pretty weird if you think about it)
Head over to the Sacred Craft website for all the details
Jason Hall of Daily Bread fame will be displaying his work at an art show on Saturday night in Ventura.
In addition to Jason's work, Mike Black's new movie Jazz the Glass will be playing and it seems there will be beer.
Trivia test
"Bring me my Yater!"
was dialog from what famous surf movie
a - Apocalypse Now!
b - Jazz the Glass
(correct answer will be found in the comments section later today)
The answer to to trivia quiz is A - Apocalypse Now! Was the picture too much of a hint? The most similar quote from Jazz the Glass would be "Get the long boards ready!"