When I was a kid


I knew it was coming

all the signs were there

plain as day.

Sitting outside beyond the break

(what am I doing there?)

we two travelers

flotsam and jetsam 

unintentionally pushed into some communal space

requiring a polite attempt at conversation

The guy looks down at me

from atop his 10'6"

with four fins

and the after market turbo boost

it looks like he feeds it raw liver twice a day

Here it comes,

is it too late to paddle away?

"Yep, I used to ride a raft when I was a kid!"


Anonymous said…
My standard reply,
"Why aren't you still riding it?"
pranaglider said…
I think this is the winner for the t shirt.

If you started on a mat
(on the front)

Why aren't you still riding it?
(on the back)

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