Friday at last

Still haven't resurfaced my mat.

Promised myself that I would get it done this week but then the refrigerator broke.

Some how my wife thinks that having a working refrig is more important than not sliding off my mat during a critical section, go figure!

But this weekend for sure, it's on the list, right below washing the dog and tending the garden.

I have been using the photo above as my desktop this week.


Kaser posted it on the erBB.

Part of a three shot series I believe.

No idea who the photographer is and maybe more importantly who the guy is.

I have been promising myself a evening glass off trip to the beach but the spring winds aren't cooperating.

Bit of a early summer heat wave here in so cal.

I mention this because several of the regular readers of this blog reside in different hemispheres.

I find that fascinating.

Why they stop by here or the other blog, I have no idea.

But since you do I make local and seasonal references to spice things up.

Enjoy the weekend!


pushingtide said…
Silly wife!
Amazing pic!
23 Breaths said…
Go to the erBB to get the big version!

The link in the blog goes to the subject with the other pics.

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